Recent Posts by Goodway Group

Keep Them Thinking About You

In marketing, there is one thing worth more than gold. It is top of mind. Being top of mind means that when someone thinks about your product category, they think of you. Delivery services? Most people think of FedEx and UPS. Soft drinks? They think Coke and Pepsi. Laundry detergent? Tide. Are you top of…
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5 Fun Stats to Inform Your Fundraising

As a nonprofit, you know the importance of personalized direct mail. Most likely, you are already personalizing your mailers by the donor’s name, giving history, and often household income. But are there other data points that could help? Here are some exciting statistics that, while they may not all apply to your organization, illustrate how…
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The SGP Certification and Why It Matters

If your company pursues sustainability as part of its mission, you need to know about the Sustainable Green Partnership (SGP) and its SGP certification for printers. This certification is rapidly gaining traction as a way for businesses to show their commitment to sustainable printing by working with SGP certified printers and therefore adhere to specific…
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