Are you among the marketers who have not yet started sending personalized direct mail and email communications? Are you still using a “one size fits all” marketing strategy? If so, here are three data points that you should keep in mind. 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company if it…
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3 Steps to Rocking Your 1:1 Print Marketing Campaign
You’ve seen the power of 1:1 print marketing and decided to give it a try. From data to customer profiling to layout and design, however, there is so much to do. Where do you begin? Start by asking three questions. What are you trying to accomplish? Success starts with setting a specific and realistic…
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Create Direct Mail with Stopping Power
Every day, thousands of marketing contacts clamor for your customers’ attention. What will make these customers stop and take the time to look at yours? Make them say, “Wow!” Think of the outer envelope as a storefront. Use it to grab attention with more than just eye-catching images. Try different colored stocks, different plastic substrates…
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Want More Loyalty? Reward Your Customers!
One of the most powerful ways to deepen customer loyalty is to reward your customers for sticking with you. This is why loyalty programs are so popular. But there is an additional benefit, too. Customers actively participating in loyalty programs not only continue to buy from you, but they spend more money when they do.…
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