Category Archives: Uncategorized

Use FOMO to Motivate Recipients to Action

Whether you are creating a direct mail piece, an email, or a social media post, FOMO, or "Fear of Missing Out," is a powerful tool. Harnessing FOMO can drive engagement and conversions by creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity, compelling customers to act quickly so they don't miss out on something good. There are…
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5 Tips for Designing Personalized Direct Mail

While we all know that personalizing your direct mail pieces can improve marketing results, the process can seem intimidating. What do you need to watch for? How can you make sure nothing goes wrong? Here are five tips for getting started on the right foot.  1. Use the Right Data, Not Just More Data. More…
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Direct Mail for Short Attention Spans

Direct mail is changing. This channel remains highly effective, but most people don’t have the attention spans they used to. Mail that is fast and easy to scan is winning the day. According to Who’s Mailing What! (WMW!), a database of nearly 300,000 direct mail pieces, the average word count used in marketing copy for…
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7 Ways “Working Backwards” Keeps You on Schedule

Whether you are sending direct mail only or integrating direct mail with other channels, marketing has many moving parts. The final “send” or “go live” is simply the last link in the chain. To ensure that the whole project stays on schedule, work backward to ensure each component is on schedule.  To get started, sit…
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