
Postal Discounts

The Top 10 Postal Discounts Terrific infographic from Neopost showing creative ways to save on postage and shipping by taking advantage of US Postal Service products and services. We utilize #10 (consulting the USPS’ free Mail Design Analyst) frequently saving our clients thousands of dollars over the years!
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Why Millions of Americans Choose Paper

“Green” marketing of e-billing has not swayed people from retaining their paper option USA Today recently featured the results of a survey and it’s another example of the social benefits of print and paper 54% of American adults receive credit card or checking account statements by mail. Loyalty to paper is fierce with 46%…
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Direct Mail a Winner with Millennials

Study shows that in a world where consumers are inundated with marketing messages Millennials overwhelmingly respond to personalized Direct Mail.  In their benchmark study, InfoTrends confirms that over 80% of Millennials believe that direct mail can be an effective means of communication.
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Personalization does not have to be complicated to add value to your project!

Variable Data Printing has been around since the late 90’s and while statistics show the enormous impact that personalization has on response rates, we often hear “we don’t have the data to run a variable project” or “Big Data is required to run a personalized job”. Personalized communication, particularly in direct mail, (which outperforms all…
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