Category Archives: Uncategorized

For True Personalization, Look Beyond Demographics

As marketers, we have more data at our fingertips than ever. Data is all around us, from in-house customer information to third-party demographic and behavioral data. However, having more data doesn’t, by itself, generate success. You can personalize your direct mail and email with people’s names, tailored offers, and even customized images and text but…
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Want More B2B Accounts? Try This!

Succeeding in Business-to-Business (B2B) sales requires a nuanced understanding of the complex decision-making processes within organizations. Unlike B2C transactions, B2B sales often involve multiple decision-makers with unique needs and priorities. Navigating this landscape requires persistence, insight, and data-driven communications.  Let’s look at three “musts” for approaching B2B buyers.  1. Identify Decision-Makers and Influencers B2B transactions…
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4 Reasons Your Customers Might Be Defecting

Your existing customers are your most profitable customers. They buy more frequently, and they spend more when they do. But are you paying sufficient attention to them? Could you be losing customers without knowing it?  Understanding why customers defect to competitors is the first step in retaining them, so let’s look at four key reasons…
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