
The Power of White Space: Enhancing Design, Improving Communication

White space, often called negative space, is the space between and around design elements. While it may seem counterintuitive to leave parts of a design blank, white space is crucial in making a design visually appealing and effective. Here are five ways that white space does just that.  1. Visual Clarity: White space helps to…
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Still Hesitating on Personalization?

While personalization is all around us, not every marketer takes advantage of its benefits. A study from NAPCO Research found that if you aren’t personalizing your direct mail, you’re at a competitive disadvantage.  The research from more than 1,300 marketers in various industry verticals found that two-thirds of these campaigns are either personalized or segmented.…
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5 Ways to Use Direct Mail for Customer Retention

Direct mail is a powerful tool for retaining customers and building loyalty. It can remind customers about your brand, offer exclusive discounts or promotions, and provide enticing content that keeps your consumers coming back. Let's look at five ways to incorporate direct mail into your customer retention efforts.  1. Personalization Personalizing direct mail with customers'…
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Benefits of Adding Lifetime Customer Value (LCV) to Your Marketing Metrics

Lifetime Customer Value (LCV), also known as Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), is a metric that helps you, as a marketer, to understand the total worth of a customer to your business. By focusing on LCV, you can make better-informed decisions on allocating resources effectively, enhancing customer relationships, and driving long-term profitability.  How to Calculate Lifetime…
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